CS 389 Group Project

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Further Development Description...

- System is capable of registering new users and save user profile information.

- System is capable of loging in existing users based upon user name.

- User information is private and inaccessible to other users.

- System is capable of storing neck, waist, height, weight and resulting body
values each time calculation is performed.

- System is capable of displaying neck, waist, weight, body fat history
graph for.individual user.

- System is capable of displaying the ideal body fat value based on
..the measurements.of each user.

- Capable of producing instructions for achieving ideal body fat.

- System is capable of registering multiple users.

- System should be used in real time with response time less than one second.

- Reliable and robust

- User friendly and should be able to handle any user actions.

- Should run on any PC with Java (VM) virtual machine installed.

- Can be used by any individual, who wants to check his/her body fat or
..work on his/her fitness.


ETsoft Inc. 1997-2002